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“The fact that we’re able to be here tonight in a safe environment and celebrate all of our collective work is a wonderful, beautiful, humbling achievement for the community that - for two years - was rattled to the bone.” “It’s a good sign,” said American Theatre Wing chair and 2022 Tony-nominated costume designer Emilio Sosa of the evening’s scale. We just know that we saw audiences getting more and more comfortable coming back and we just hope it continues.” We know there’s a lot of trepidation we also know there’s a lot of excitement. “We know that audiences want to come back. “We do it for the passion and the love, and we’ve been doing it since we were teenagers, and we can’t stop,” said presenter and “Freestyle Love Supreme” alum Utkarsh Ambudkar about the Tonys feeling different than any other awards.ĭoes the homecoming mean Broadway is healthy? That the industry is in a good place? “It’s hard to tell exactly where we are,” said Manhattan Theatre Club Artistic Director Lynne Meadow of the nonprofit. The red (well, silver) carpet was abuzz with the energy of homecoming. Judith Light said it best just before she presented the second Tony Award of the night: “We’re finally home!” Every single person - from the carpet to the broadcast to the winners circle - was ecstatic to be back at Radio City Music Hall to celebrate the 75th Annual Tony Awards.

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